All our rolled steel products (coils) are purchased from approved suppliers. Our cold formed products are made from steel coils conforming to ASTM A653, Grade 50, Class 1 steel. The steel is hot-dipped galvanized with a highly durable protective coating of zinc, class G90.
Our final products are certified by ICC-ES (International Code Council – Evaluation Service) which ensures the quality of our products and the conformity with the IBC (International Building Code).
The Pinnacle X10 Infinity is a fully automatic multiple-size C profile production
system for heavy gauge wall framing, C floor joist, and large span trusses of
different sizes and shapes, in compliance with international building codes :
Cold Formed Steel can be used in combination with other materials for a wide variety of purposes such as architectural appearance, structural stability and improved economics of any given project.
In our mid- and high-rise buildings, we often use HSS (Hollow structural sections) as part of our shear walls to create an effective lateral force resisting system. In order to make our structural systems more sound and stable, we use integral steel as part of our load-bearing walls. Unusual sectional configurations can be produced economically by cold-forming operations and consequently favorable strength-to-weight ratios can be obtained.
In order to make it easy for general contractors, subcontractors and building developers, we also offer a full range of integral steel as part of our cold formed steel panels.
All our HSS products are compliant with ASTM A500/A500M, Grade C, with minimum yield strength of 50 ksi (345MPa).